Институт по електрохимия и енергийни системи „Акад. Евгени Будевски”

Институт по електрохимия и енергийни системи „Акад. Евгени Будевски”

Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems „Аcad. Evgeni Budevski” – BAS (IEES) is the leading organization in the partnership. It has been founded 1967 as a Central Laboratory of Electrochemical Power Sources. In 2003 it has been upgraded to Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems (IEES). The staff is presently 79 people, of which 51 scientists (7 professors, 11 assistant professors, 14 senior assistants and 19 assistants) 24 engineering and technical staff, and 8 PhD students. 

According to the Regulations of the constitution and activities of IEES the main fields of activity are: “fundamental and applied scientific research, application of the results of scientific studies, consulting and expertise, training of qualified specialists and other activities according to the Law on Bulgarian Academy of Sciences”.

The mission of IEES is to establish and develop a potential of scientific knowledge and qualified researchers to create modern efficient technologies for electrochemical energy systems. Fundamental and applied research is carried out, electrochemical materials science is developed, novel electrochemical methods, techniques and tools are elaborated, new technologies are created. In agreement with the priorities of the European Framework Programs and the long-term interest for the energetics of Bulgaria for development of hydrogen technologies, research and applied studies are actively directed lately towards production, storage and electrochemical transformation of hydrogen. Original machines, new materials, technologies and equipment are created in IEES and protected by respective patents. 

IEES maintains active collaboration with renowned scientific organizations in more than 50 countries and participates actively in the development of scientific networks and contracts in the frameworks of EU. IEES enters the European Research Area (ERA) as early as the Third Framework Program, the total number of European projects of the Institute is 17. 

In 2003 IEES obtains the statute of Center of Excellence in “Portable and Emergency Power Sources” by the Fifth Framework Program (Nо. NNE5-2002-00018). 

IEES is among the three Institutes of BAS awarded with the highest rating (AAA) at the evaluation carried out by the European association of the academies of Sciences in 2010. The Institute participates in the execution of the national program “Europe 2020”, co-ordinates the national scientific infrastructure “Energy storage and hydrogen energetics”.

Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., Block 10
Sofia, Bulgaria