Hitmobil Services

The Laboratory 1 "Batteries" general objective is the development, analysis and optimisation of technologies for preparation of cell components and full cells which to be implemented in new or advanced batteries and supercapacitors with extended lifespan and impoved parameters of storage of energy received from renewable energy sources. Key activities:
- Synthesis and development of novel active materials, electrods and ecletrolites, as well as technologies for their production
- Design and construction of laboratory test cells (half-cell type)
- Development of innovative methods for assessment of the battery state, monitoring and predictive diagnostics
- Development of recycling technologies
- Preparation of laboratory prototypes of various electrochemical systems for standard and custom applications.

Photovoltaic modules and generators
The Laboratory „Photovoltaic modules and generators“ (L2) carries out scientific and technological research in the field of highly efficient solar photovoltaic cells, new prototypes of photovoltaic modules, their reliability and probability of degradation.
The Laboratory has a possibility for independent assessment of industrial samples. Laboratory tests are being conducted to integrate the newly developed modules into an energy storage system.

Hydrogen and fuel cells (HFC)
HFC laboratory conducts industrial research for development, testing and optimization of fuel and electrolysis cells with improved performance, extended service life and reduced cost, including:
- Synthesis of new catalytic materials with low to zero precious metal content
- Preparation of new polymer electrolyte membranes with improved mechanical properties and increased ionic conductivity
- Creation of technology for production of membrane electrode assemblies for hydrogen energy converters
- Development of innovative (double-membrane) design of solid oxide fuel cell with possibilities for operation in reversible mode fuel/electrolysis cell
- Development and testing of new methods and techniques for investigation, monitoring and predictive diagnostics
- Pre-normative research to harmonize test protocols
- Development of microbial fuel cells and bioelectrolysis cells for hydrogen production
- Development and introduction of a new group of functional electrode materials for hydrogen production via photo-electrochemical decomposition of water

The following tasks are performed:
Task 1. Production of biogas
- Production biogas from organic raw materials and waste;
- Research for new knowledge and experience to obtain biogas with a controlled composition.
Task 2. Production of biohydrogen
- Development of technology for reforming biogas to hydrogen;
- Design of new nanostructured catalysts.
Task 3. Purification of biohydrogen
- Innovative concept for one-step WGS process and design of new catalysts;
- The capture and regenerating CO2 at the outlet of the WGSR reactor with appropriate sorbents;
- Optimizing the PROX process and solving the catalyst deactivation problem; capture of CO2 at the outlet of the reactor;
- Launch of integrated technology and equipment for the processes from supplying purified biogas to obtaining pure bio-hydrogen.