Hitmobile Structure
CC HITMOBIL is composed from representatives of six scientific institute and one specialized unit of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, two non-profit legal entities and one university.
Leading organization in the partnership is the Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems „Acad. Evgeni Budevski” (IEES).
CC HITMOBIL will apply a "federal" type management of the research activities, including the plan to build the Center, which is suitable for the distributed infrastructure, including several partner institutions.
The common management of CC HITMOBIL should coordinate the quotidian activity of the infrastructure, the planning and construction of six innovative Laboratories and their functioning according to a concrete Working Program, conduct unified scientific policy, ensure qualification and pre-qualification conformed with the Centre’s, draw up short- and long-term strategies and business plans, ensure free access to the infrastructure etc. The range of activities and measures for the realization of management (incl. control, monitoring, flexible strategy for timely removal of reasons for non-implementation of the planned objectives) is very large. For this reason, a two-chamber management structure is planned for better operation, enhanced communication and protection from doubling or dropping of activities. It includes an Executive Board (EB) and Board of Managers (MB).
The general science management is carried out by a Science Managment Team (SMT), comprised of two executive bodies: Executive Board (EB) and Board of Managers (BM), supported by the Advisory Board.
Executive Board
The Executive Board (EB) is headed by a President (representative of the leading organization), responsible for the overall coordination and management of the CC HITMOBIL scientific activities. The President works in concord with 3 Vice-Presidents with spread responsibilities, answering for several common activities.
(I) Technological monitoring (technical design, construction and management of new laboratories and facilities, coordination with the associate partners);
(II) Scientific development (research and applied studies, inclusive those for external consumers);
(III) Knowledge management and technology transfer (internal and external communication, education, qualification, inclusive electronic education and dissemination of knowledge, technology transfer and protection of intellectual property).
Board of Managers
The Board of Managers (BM) is an operative management structure in direct communication with the three Modules and with the Executive Board. It comprises the three heads of the Modules and the heads of laboratories/sections. It includes the module managers, as well as the heads of some of the laboratories included in modules 1-3. MB a flexible structure, its constitution may be temporarily extended when operative necessity arises. Decisions about extension/shrinking of the Board of Managers strength are taken by the Executive Board.
Advisory Board
The Avisory Board (AB) plays an important role in determining and application of the long-time strategy of CC HITMOBIL. It consists of external experts (Bulgarian and foreign scientists and businessmen), representatives of research institutes and firms and other organizations related to the thematic orientation of CC HITMOBIL.