Публикации, документи, патенти, презентации, др.

Bioelectrochemical reactor for (co)regeneration of precious metals from industrial wastewater
A Bulgarian research institute with more than 50 years of experience in the R&D of electrochemistry and energy systems has developed a bioelectrochemical reactor for microbially assisted electrochemical regeneration of metals by cathode reduction without energy input by microbial electrochemical snorkel. Energy is produced by exoelectrogenic microorganisms, transferring electrons extracellularly to the anode during the intracellular oxidation of organic substances. A new way to co-regenerate mixtures of noble and other valuable metals with positive potential contained in model and real industrial wastewater is proposed and may find application in hydrometallurgy, electrochemical production, ecology and environmental protection. The Institute is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance with interested companies for the implementation of the innovation.
The Bulgarian research institute has more than 50 years of experience in the research and development in the field of electrochemistry. In the recent years it has developed novel approaches and technologies in the field of hydrogen generation and storage, metal-hydrides, fuel cells, low cost intercalation compounds and nanostructured composite materials for batteries and others. The institute has experience in international joint projects and implementation of technologies in the industry.
As a result of rapid industrialization and ever-expanding production activities, huge amounts of waste containing various metals are generated. In recent years, there has been a huge growth in the use of many information and communication technologies, such as mobile phones, computers, tablets, smart TVs, etc. Rapid technological development is constantly leading to the development of new products and shortening the service life of old ones. End-of-life electrical and electronic equipment contains circuit boards containing precious and rare metals, including gold, silver, palladium and platinum, as well as potentially environmentally hazardous metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium and beryllium. Extracting metals for their recycling will not only lead to a reduction in environmental pollution (e.g. metal-contaminated waste water), but they will also be reusable, which in the long run, given the limited natural resources of metals, will require their yield to be reasonably controlled.
For the purification and processing of metals, a number of technologies based on physical, chemical and biological processes have been developed so far, with the greatest efforts directed at the effective regeneration of precious metals. The main problem for the application of existing technologies is that in most wastewaters the concentration of metals is relatively low (of the order of µg/l to mg/l), which necessitates the investment of additional energy and raw materials for their pre-concentration from large water volumes. The traditional technology for extracting gold and other precious metals from ores and solid waste is based on the cyanide method, in which the metals are extracted in the form of cyanide complexes. The use of potassium cyanide, which is highly toxic to the respiratory chains of various organisms, causes serious environmental problems, and for this reason the cyanide method is banned in many countries. Thiosulfate extraction of gold and silver is a promising alternative to the cyanide method, but to achieve a comparable speed and efficiency of the process, the use of catalysts is required, which further increases the cost of the method and can cause secondary environmental pollution. In general, a problem in the extraction or recovery of precious metals is the high energy intensity of the processes to obtain them in their pure form. For example, the classical electrolytic method of silver extraction requires electrical energy equal to 3.81 kWh per 1 kg of silver.
In the present invention, a new design of a bioelectrochemical reactor is proposed, specially developed for operation in the short-circuit mode with increased dimensions of the anode and cathode compartments, allowing the regeneration of metals to be carried out from larger volumes of solutions, as well as the use of cathodes and anodes with a larger surface, which leads to an increase in the productivity of the regeneration process, shortening the time for complete removal of the available metal ions from the catholyte, as well as to a greater efficiency of regeneration of the noble metals on the cathode. The optimized cathode compartment allows easy assembly and disassembly of the cathodes, enabling the new bioelectrochemical reactor to be used in continuous and (semi)flow mode for (co)regeneration of one or more contained noble metal ions such as Ag and Au from wastewater.
The Institute seeks commercial agreements with technical assistance with companies interested in implementing the technology to a marketable product. It will provide the necessary know-how, training and expertise for operation, and adapt the technology to the needs of the company.
Advantages & innovations
In recent years, a new alternative for the regeneration of metals from wastewater without the need for their reconcentration is offered by bioelectrochemical systems that combine biocatalyzed anodic oxidation of organic products with reduction of metals with a positive redox potential on the cathode of a microbial fuel cell. In this direction, we recently proposed an innovative idea and for the first time in the world we proved the possibility of regenerating copper, silver and gold from aqueous solutions of their salt solution in a microbial fuel cell operating in short-circuit mode. The original design used achieved a high degree of removal (>95%) of metal ions from the solutions used as catholytes and an efficiency of regeneration of the metals on the cathodes above 94% in the short-circuit mode, exceeding by 5 to 7% the corresponding indicators compared to operating through a switched load resistance. One of the main drawbacks of the used design was the small volume of the cathode compartment, limiting the cathode area as well as the amount of catholyte, which is overcome by the proposed optimized design.
Stage of development
Laboratory tests
IPR status
- TIP: it is highly recommended to provide information regarding the key countries or territories for which protection has been granted or applied
Partner sought
- Type/ Field of activity of partner per selected cooperation type
Industrial/ Mining and/or hydrometallurgy - Role of partner per selected cooperation type
Tests with real industrial wastewater

Accumulator metal-hydride/air battery
A Bulgarian research institute with more than 50 years of experience in RD&I of energy systems has developed a metal-hydride/air battery system with innovative design, finding application in energy storage. The institute is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance with interested companies for the implementation of the innovation.
The Bulgarian research institute has more than 50 years of experience in the research and development in the field of electrochemistry. In the recent years it has developed novel approaches and technologies in the field of hydrogen generation and storage, innovative batteries, metal-hydrides, fuel cells, low cost intercalation compounds and nanostructured composite materials for batteries and others. The institute has experience in international joint projects and implementation of technologies in the industry.
In a metal-hydride/air battery system with a perpendicular arrangement of the two types of electrodes, the main drawback of other similar batteries is overcome: the influence of corrosive ions on the two types of electrodes during operation is almost completely avoided, and this is a significant problem of this type of batteries. This invention aims to find a possibility to replace the heavy and bulky nickel electrode in the nickel/metal hydride battery, aiming to upgrade its advantages.
The institute seeks commercial agreements with technical assistance with companies interested in implementing the technology to a marketable product. It will provide the necessary know-how, training and expertise for operation, and adapt the technology to the needs of the company.
Advantages & innovations
The technology is characterized by high energy density, due to the maximum absorption of the capacity of the metal-hydride electrode. The main advantage of the battery is that it can replace commercial nickel/metal hydride batteries easily, especially in the field of stationary energy storage.
Innovative and easy-to-implement construction that preserves and upgrades the advantages of the nickel/metal hydride battery.
Stage of development
Prototype available. Further joint R&D for testing of new applications. Implementing in production.
Partner sought
Industry and business partners are sought for practical application of the technology (pilot series) and testing.

Gas-diffusion electrode with a single-layer structure for rechargeable metal hydride-air batteries.
A Bulgarian research institute with more than 50 years of experience in RD&I of electrochemical technologies and energy systems has developed an innovative gas-diffusion electrode with a single-layer structure for rechargeable metal hydride-air batteries operating in a highly alkaline environment. The field of application of this electrode is in the production of batteries with high energy density, long working cycle, low cost of production and operating costs, combined with environmental friendliness of production and output materials. The institute is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance with interested companies for the implementation of the innovation.
The Bulgarian research institute has more than 50 years of experience in the research and development in the field of electrochemistry. In the recent years it has developed novel approaches and technologies in the field of hydrogen generation and storage, metal-hydrides, fuel cells, low cost intercalation compounds and nanostructured composite materials for batteries and others. The institute has experience in international joint projects and implementation of technologies in the industry.
The technology development is based on the creation of a gas-diffusion electrode with a single-layer structure for rechargeable metal hydride-air batteries. The electrode allows operation at current densities of 30-50 mA.cm-2.
The technology development is characterized by avoiding expensive and complicated application of a catalytic layer, which is a good prerequisite for its mass production and its implementation in metal hydride-air batteries. Its main advantage is the elimination of an entire production cycle related to the application of the catalytic layer. The reproducibility of the results of each individual electrode is over 90%. Combining the selected output materials in the development is a good alternative for the wider entry of rechargeable gas-diffusion electrodes into mass production, meeting the ever-increasing needs of the energy sector, and volatile prices of electrical energy.
The institute seeks commercial agreements with technical assistance with companies interested in implementing the technology to a marketable product and testing of new applications. It will provide the necessary know-how, training and expertise for operation, and adapt the technology to the needs of the company.
Advantages & innovations
The invention is characterized by a single-layer structure of the gas-diffusion electrode, i.e. there is no distinction between the gas and catalytic layers, and they are united in a monolithic structure.
Its main advantage is the elimination of an entire production cycle related to the application of the catalytic layer. The reproducibility of the results of each individual electrode is over 90%. The technology is characterized by a maximally simplified production method and economically sustainable.
Stage of development
The technology has been lab tested and adapted to a metal hydride-air battery system. A utility model registration was issued for the innovation by the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Partner sought
Partners sought: from both research and development sector and industry sector with aim to develop the technology further, implement it in production and test new applications.
- Research and development cooperation agreement
- Commercial agreement with technical assistance

Rechargeable gas-diffusion electrodes with zeolite, carbon black and polytetrafluoroethylene applicable for rechargeable batteries
A Bulgarian research institute with more than 50 years of experience in electrochemistry and energy systems has developed an innovative technology for a gas-diffusion electrode with zeolite, pre-hydrophobized carbon black and polytetrafluoroethylene applicable for metal-air batteries operating in a highly alkaline electrolyte, intended for energy storage from RES. The institute is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance with interested companies for the implementation of the innovation.
The Bulgarian research institute has more than 50 years of experience in the research and development in the field of electrochemistry. In the recent years it has developed novel approaches and technologies in the field of hydrogen generation and storage, fuel cells, battery systems, low cost intercalation compounds and nanostructured composite materials for batteries and others. The institute has experience in international joint projects and implementation of technologies in the industry.
The invention relates to rechargeable gas-diffusion electrodes based on zeolite, pre-hydrophobized carbon black and a catalytic layer and is characterized by the use of natural zeolite with a monoclinic crystal structure (clinoptilolite), which is further mixed with the pre-hydrophobized carbon black and hexane to provide better gas permeability, adhesion and increased stability. The electrode allows operation at low to medium high current densities. The technology concept refers to a composite gas-diffusion layer in which a synergistic effect was obtained when mixing zeolite and pre-hydrophobized carbon black. This effect is expressed in the partial preservation of electrical conductivity (compared to carbon-based GDL), as well as increased oxygen permeability (due to the structure of zeolites).
The institute seeks commercial agreements with technical assistance with companies interested in implementing the technology to a marketable product and testing of new application. It will provide the necessary know-how, training and expertise for operation, and adapt the technology to the needs of the company. Research organizations and companies with RD&I activities are sought.
Advantages & innovations
The invention is characterized by increased chemical, mechanical and electrochemical stability compared to all-carbon-based gas-diffusion electrodes. The gas-diffusion electrode is with high durability during operation, which allows its implementation in rechargeable batteries. The technology is characterized by an easier way of production and lower price in comparison to existing technologies. It has applications in energy storage and battery systems. The innovation provides high energy density, low cost and high stability.
Stage of development
Available prototype which has been lab tested and adapted to real electrochemical systems. A utility model registration was issued for the innovation by the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Partner sought
- Research and development cooperation agreement
- Commercial agreement with technical assistance

Биоелектрохимичен реактор за (ко)регенериране на благородни метали от промишлени отпадъчни води
Институтът по електрохимия и енергийни системи има повече от 50 години изследователска дейност в областта на фундаменталната и приложна електрохимия, насочена към създаване на иновативни презареждаеми батерии, изследвания в областта водородната енергетика, разработване и изпитване на нови материали и въвеждане на съвременни електрохимични методи, техники, инструменти и технологии за охарактеризиране, тестване, мониторинг и диагностика на работата на различни електрохимични системи.
Настоящото изобретение се отнася до биоелектрохимичен реактор за микробиално-подпомогнато електрохимично регенериране на метали чрез редукция на катода без влагане на енергия чрез микробиален електрохимичен шнорхел (МЕШ). Енергията се произвежда от екзоелектрогенни микроорганизми, пренасящи електрони екстрацелуларно до анода по време на вътреклетъчното окисление на органични вещества. Предлага се нов начин за корегенериране на смеси от благородни и други ценни метали с положителен потенциал, съдържащи се в моделни и реални промишлени отпадъчни води и може да намери приложение в хидрометалургията, електрохимичните производства, екологията и опазването на околната среда.
В настоящото изобретение се предлага нова конструкция на биоелектрохимичен реактор, специално разработен за МЕШ с увеличени размери на анодното и катодното отделение, позволяващи регенерирането на метали да се извършва от по-големи обеми разтвори, както и използването на катоди и аноди с по-голяма повърхност, което води до увеличаване производителността на процеса на регенериране, съкращаване времето за пълно отстраняване на наличните метални йони от католита, както и до по-голяма ефективност на регенериране на благородните метали върху катода. Оптимизираното катодно отделение позволява лесен монтаж и демонтаж на катодите, което дава възможност новият биоелектрохимичен реактор да се използва в непрекъснат и (полу)проточен режим за (ко)регенериране на един или повече съдържащи се йони на благородни метали като Ag и Au от отпадъчни води.
Предимства & иновации
За пречистване и преработване на метали досега са разработени редица технологии, основаващи се на физични, химични и биологични процеси, като най-големи усилия са насочени към ефективното регенериране на благородните метали. Основният проблем за прилагането на съществуващите технологии е, че в повечето отпадъчни води концентрацията на металите е относително ниска (от порядъка на µg/l до mg/l), което налага влагането на допълнително енергия и суровини за предварителното им концентриране от големи водни обеми. Традиционната технология за добив на злато и други благородни метали от руди и твърди отпадъци се базира на цианидния метод, при който металите се извличат под формата на цианидни комплекси. Използването на силно токсичния за дихателните вериги на различни организми калиев цианид причинява сериозни екологични проблеми и поради тази причина цианидният метод е забранен в много страни. Тиосулфатното извличане на злато и сребро е перспективна алтернатива на цианидния метод, но за постигането на съизмерима скорост и ефективност на водене на процеса се изисква използването на катализатори, които допълнително оскъпяват метода и могат да причинят вторично замърсяване на околната среда. Като цяло, проблем при добива или регенерирането на благородните метали е високата енергоемкост на процесите за получаването им в чист вид. Например, класическият електролизен метод за добив на сребро изисква електрическа енергия равняваща се на 3,81 kWh за 1 kg сребро.
През последните години, нова алтернатива за регенериране на метали от отпадъчни води без необходимост от преконцентрирането им се предлага от биоелектрохимичните системи, които съчетават биокатализирано анодно окисление на органични продукти с редукция на метали върху катода на микробиален горивен елемент. В тази насока наскоро предложихме иновативна идея и за първи път в света доказахме възможността за регенериране на мед, сребро и злато от водни разтвори на техни соли в микробиален горивен елемент. С използваната първоначална конструкция бе постигната висока степен на отстраняване (>95%) на металните йони от разтворите, използвани като католити, и ефективност на регенериране на металите върху катодите над 94 % в режим на късо съединение, надвишаващи с 5 до 7 % съответните показатели в сравнение с работа през включено товарно съпротивление. Един от основните недостатъци на използваната конструкция бе малкият обем на катодното отделение, ограничаващ площта на катода, както и количеството католит, което е преодоляно чрез предлаганата оптимизирана конструкция.
Не изисква влагане на енергия и реагенти, намалява времето за регенериране в сравнение с класическите микробиални горивни елементи.
Етап на развитие
Предлаганата технология е с издадена регистрация на полезен модел от Патентно ведомство на Република България.
Търсен партньор
- Какъв тип партньор се търси?
- Индустриален, Металургични предприятия, електрохимични производства използващи галванични вани и др.
- В каква сфера на дейност (отрасъл/компания), с каква компетентност?
- Минна индустрия и/или хидрометалургия
- Преработка на отпадъци и рециклирането им
- Каква да бъде ролята на търсения партньор?
- Изпитания с реални индустриални отпадъчни води
- Изпитания с реални индустриални отпадъчни води