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Institute of Hydrogen Technologies ”St. apostle and evangel Luke”
The Institute of Hydrogen Technologies (IHT) ”St. apostle and evangel Luke” is an integral part of the Bulgarian Hydrogen Society – a private scientific Institute, registered under provisions of the Legal Persons with Non-Profit Purposes Act.
According to the Statute of the institute, the main fields of activity are: „R&D, education and popularization to enhance the introduction of cleaner energy and technology, elaboration and utilization of hydrogen technologies in the national economy, household, defense and security in Bulgaria. IHT carries out scientific studies in the fields of fuel cells, materials for hydrogen energetics, modern methods for production, storage, transportation and utilization of hydrogen.
Email: office@bgh2society.org
Phone: +359 2 81 63 430
Bul. "Kliment Ohridski" 8, Sofia, Bulgaria
Sofia, Bulgaria
Bul. "Kliment Ohridski" 8, Sofia, Bulgaria
Sofia, Bulgaria