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Central Laboratory of Solar Energy and Novel Energy Sources - BAS
The Central Laboratory of Solar Energy and Novel Energy Sources - BAS (CLSENES) is a specialized research unit of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
CLSENES has two main structural branches: „Innovative technologies, materials and appliances for renewable energy sources application” and „FЕI and ЕЕ studies and elaborations”. The scientific staff includes 15 scientists – 8 assistant professors, 2 senior assistants and 3 assistants.
According to the Regulations of the constitution and activities of CLSENES, the main fields of activity are: „Fundamental and applied research in the field of renewable energy sources“.
Studies are directed mainly towards utilization of solar energy (photovoltaic and photothermic conversion, optic and photoelectric properties of materials, production of new materials, structures, appliances, equipment etc.), consultations and education of highly qualified specialists. New technologies and equipment are developed for improved efficiency and reduced prime cost of the solar energy conversion. The technological basis available enables studies of thin film semiconductor materials, dielectrics and mixed compounds for application in photoelectrochemical cells, photosensitive convertors and optoelectronic appliances.
Prototypes of various photoelements and photovoltaic modules are created in the laboratory. CLSENES participates in many national and international programs. During the last program period CLSENES takes part in two projects of the Seventh Framework Program and three СОSТ actions of EU. In 2003 CLSENES obtains a statute of Center of Excellence in the frames of FP5 (BGCSE, NNE5-2002-00026).
CLSENES will participate in CC HITMOBIL with the laboratory of testing solar photoelements and modules in laboratory and real conditions. The results will enhance the development of new prototypes of high efficiency solar photoelements and certification of photovoltaic modules produced by Bulgarian and foreign firms.
Bul. Tzarigradsko Shose, 72, Sofia 1784, BULGARIA
Sofia, Bulgaria