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![Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry - BAS](/shr/partners/1-100/p_5_2.jpg)
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry - BAS
The Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry - BAS (IGIC) founded 1960 is a leading organization in the country in the field of material chemistry. In 2005 IGIC achieves a grant in the Sixth Framework Program and builds a Center of Competence in “Multifunctional materials and new processes directed to ecology.”
According to the Regulations of the constitution and activities of IGIC, the main fields of activity are: „Fundamental and applied research conformed with the European and national priorities in the field of inorganic, analytic and theoretical chemistry, education doctor fellows etc.“
In 2007 is established an Office for transfer of technologies and innovations directed to ecology in the field of inorganic chemistry in the frames of the PHARE program and in 2008 is appointed to organize and coordinate the National Center of Modern Materials by NSF. Presently IGIC is competitive European scientific organization. Its staff comprises 58 people, of which one corresponding member of BAS, 5 professors, 27 assistant professors, 16 senior assistants and 9 assistants. The scientific production varies in the frames of 90-100 publications in international journals with impact factor.
A characteristic feature of the scientific activity is the wide international response of the publications – over 2000 independent citations are noted annually. The R&D is organized in three directions: inorganic materials science, solid surface chemistry and chemical analysis. Innovations are developed mainly for ecological technologies of producing high-tech materials and utilization of natural products.
IGIC will participate in CC HITMOBIL with the laboratory on “Intermetal and intercalation materials” which has competence and tradition in the fields of lithium-ion batteries and chemical accumulation of hydrogen. The laboratory is a partner in the European Energy Research Alliance(EERA), joint program “Energy storage”, subprogram “Electrochemical energy storage” which combines leading scientific organizations for the realization of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-plan).
Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., Block 11, Sofia 1113, BULGARIA
Sofia, Bulgaria