Hitmobile Partner Info

A Data Pro
AII Data Processing (ADP) has started its activity in 1999 with main quarter in Sofia.
Today the compa-ny has offices and representatives in Veliko Tarnovo, Plovdiv, Vienna, London, and New York. It has 350 employees (but is a SME in regard to full employment). It offers mainly the so called “knowledge-intensive” services – data processing and information services in the following main directions:
- Creation and management of data bases
- Indexing of data and content
- Media monitoring and analysis
- Risk&Compliance Services
The company is a pioneer of the outsourcing business in Bulgaria and nowadays is among the most suc-cessful providers of information and analytical services with high added value for end users such as Daw Johnes, Lexis Nexus, Factiva, Reuters and many others. The company is a leading provider of corpora-tive, financial and economic news in more than 40 languages and works with the biggest integrators in the world. А Data Pro is one of the biggest investors in innovative products and projects with average over 1 million invested in research and innovation activities annually.
In 2015 the company was awarded as Innovative enterprise of the year in the cathegory “Innovative management”. One of the most successful project of А Data Pro is the integration of a specialized information website for renewable energy sources – RENEWABLEл
Kiril i Metodi Str., 64, Sofia, Bulgaria
Sofia, Bulgaria