National Research Council – Institute for Advanced Energy Technologies “NicolaGiordano”

National Research Council – Institute for Advanced Energy Technologies “NicolaGiordano”

The Institute of modern energy technologies (ITAE) „Nicola Giordano“ is an Italian scientific center, based 1980. It is part of the National Council of Research-Italy (NCR), in the fields if engineering sciences, information and communication technologies, energy and transport technologies. ITAE is a leading investigating institution in the fields of fuel cells and renewable energy, member of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Technology Initiative of the European Union. 

The Institute of modern energy technologies is located in Messina, Italy, placed on an area of 7000 sq. m. and involves laboratories, offices, conference halls, library etc. ITAE has 19 laboratories, equipped for preparation and characterization of materials and components and for design and testing of appliances and prototypes. ITAE possesses a “Centre for new energetic technology testing, innovation and industrial promotion”, founded 2012/2013. The permanent staff of the Institute comprises 75 scientists and 25 technicians and administrators.

The Institute of modern energy technologies „Nicola Giordano“ has a 30 years of experience in various directions of electrochemical methods and energy conversion, including electrolyzers, fuel cells, batteries and RES. ITAE concentrates on innovative technologies of electrochemical energy conversion, based on present day knowledge of materials science, micro- and nanotechnologies, polymer science and system engineering. The research activity of ITAE is focused in the following main directions: direct production of electrical energy technologies, systems for production of hydrogen and clean fuels, technologies for energy conversion and storage, integration of novel energy technologies and renewable energy sources.

Italy, 98126 – Messina, Via Salita S. Lucia sopra Contesse 5
Messina, Italy